Post Offices in Saint John, New Brunswick

6 post offices in Saint John, New Brunswick.Below is the statewide list of Saint John, New Brunswick offices. Find the hours and correct map location of your local office.

Map of post offices in Saint John, New Brunswick

1. Canada Post Saint John Address

  • Address: Shoppers Drug Mart #0580, 110 Crown Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 2X0

2. Canada Post Saint John Address

  • Address: Lawtons Drugs 115, 39 King Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4W0

3. Canada Post Saint John Address

  • Address: Shoppers Drug Mart 0195, 667 Fairville Boulevard, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2M 3W0

4. Canada Post Saint John Address

  • Address: Shoppers Drug Mart 0194, 407 Westmorland Road, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2J 2S0

5. Canada Post Saint John Address

  • Address: Shoppers Drug Mart 0191, 57 Lansdowne Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2K 3A0

6. Canada Post Saint John Address

  • Address: Saint John Area Stn Main, 125 Rothesay Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 2B0
Showing 1 to 6 of locations